Thursday, January 31, 2008

Helen's Lace and Shepherd Worsted

This is Lorna's Laces Helen's Lace.

Starting from top left: Huron, moving across is Winona.
2nd row is Butterscotch, then Edgewater.
Bottom row is Apple Hill, then Pilsen.

Now I'm off to post the picture and shopping cart scripts to the Helen's Lace page at
which takes about 15-20 just to update the one page.

and Shepherd Worsted

Starting from top left: Huron, moving across is Winona.
2nd row is Butterscotch, then Edgewater.
Bottom row is Apple Hill, then Pilsen.

Now off to the Shepherd Worsted page to add the pictures and shopping cart scripts. It is already 7:30 am!! What happened to the last 2 hours!!!

Tomorrow, finally the Shepherd Sport will get done!

My Store is a mess!! and this picture does not even include the very large box of weekly shipment from Lorna's Laces. It was right in front of it all. But up at 5:30 am (yes, help is still out sick) and I was checking in some of yesterdays freight and putting it away before I thought about take a picture.

Tomorrow is my Friday afternoon open house. This is the classroom table. This will be very interesting!

1 comment:

Alyssa said...

I want to live in that picture!