What happened to July?? I knew I was a bit behind in posting to my blog, but whoooaa!
The weather in Portland has turned rather pleasant. Had a few 90+ degree days, but mostly 70s and 80s. Waterfront Park is in full swing with summer activities. Two weeks ago it was the Brewmasters Festival. That was fun. I attended with my two sons, Cody and Henry, and their friends. The weather was warm, and the beer cold. Perfect combo. Discovered a new favorite, Irish Red. So attendance was a success!
This coming weekend is
The Bite of Portland. It covers culinary, Oregon beer and Oregon Wine. I'm looking forward the food part. I'm ready for a few new discoveries to add to my cooking skills (or lack of!).
In the store, I've been working hard at the processes involved when adding new colors to existing lines and adding new lines. (Oh, and my
e-newsletter went out since my last blog. That was really a big job.) Cascade has added new colors in almost all of the Cascade lines I carry. I've got the new colors in
Cascade 220 added to web, and all ordered.
Fixation has new colors and its web page is now updated, and all new colors in stock. Cascade
Heritage Sock almost doubled in the number of colors it comes in. The web is all up to date, and I'm in the process of getting all the new colors in. Cascade
220 Superwash has new colors. I got the scripts up on the web site, but still need to get graphics posted. And there are 10 other lines that all have new colors. Cascade is also introducing a handful of new yarn lines. The 220 Sport Superwash is amazing and it is soft. Epiphany is 60% Royal Alpaca, 20% Cashmere and 20% Silk. I think I squeezed the life out of it during my Cascade rep's visit. And there's more! Where to start???

Lorna's Laces introduced 5 new colors and a new yarn
Honor. Honor is an alpaca silk blend, and comes in all the Lorna Laces colors.

Today I finally got the scripts up for the 5 new Christmas Stocking Patterns from Googleheim. This is the time of the year for those projects. They'll be done in time for Christmas, and they are small enough to work on for summer travel and summer heat.
So much new to share with you! Stay tuned, and stay cool!!